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Health #214- Round 4- Incurable Diseases? Think again! Kelby Smith and Naturopathic Doctor Randi Shannon for Our Next Blockbuster Show

Traditional Naturopathic Doctor | Founder of | Talk Show Host | Author | Speaker

Her Belief

We believe in the power of nature. It’s been proven time and time again to be the best medicine for the body, mind and spirit. Preventative medicine is a matter of mind set.

Why Original Medicine

At, we believe that a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive.  Original methods are safer, less money and many times far more effective than drugs. With a few tweaks in your lifestyle you might realize how true this is.

Your Time Is Now

Being unhealthy is the scourge of our age. Our bodies are the testing grounds for pollutants of all kinds. Chemical toxins in the air, water, and soil are causing sicknesses of all kinds to our bodies. If the profits continue in the treatment of symptoms, the medical profession will never be concerned with getting to the root cause. Time is critical and there is no time to waste.

Laws Of Nature

There is a difference between home care and a real emergency. Many people don’t realize that their condition may be caused by breaking the laws of nature. If you follow the basic laws of health you can restore the body to its original condition. Our purpose is to share enough information so you can avoid the unnecessary hospital visits. We are here to help humanity and to give hope to those that have become hopeless.

Let’s Begin Shall We…

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