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It was a movie set. Pence lied to Trump about the co19 vac. Have you seen RealRawNews. com ? Back when Deep State started going after Trump before his first term, I told God to 'let them be hung by their own tongue', 'what they mean to do to Trump or others that are against them', let it be done to them, as in the story of Esther and Mordecai in the bible, where Hayman had gallows built to hang all the Jews, but he was hung instead. Then a couple years ago I found and read that the White Hats were hanging people guilty of treason, and still are doing so today. So far I have seen only one black lady that repented to God and those hanging her, the rest, including Bush, manifested demonically.

Oh by the way, "Admin",  I'm trying to get Terry to speak with me so I can give him decent doctrines. I still believe that it is not only belief, grace but also the ten commandments, don't forget when Yashua said the two laws... Love the Lord your God with all your heart,soul and might. And, Love your neighbor as yourself, That Kelby quoted. on these two, ALL the law hangs. Repentance is kinda a big deal. And let's not forget Baptism as you are buried with Christ and the second death has no power over you.  Acts 2:38,  Matt 22:40,  Acts 16:31, Romans 6:4, Col 2:12, Rev 20:6. Terry,give me a holler so we can discuss things and be more unified in basic doctrines. With hope I await your response to my email, Dale

Dale, What  are you saying?? Nothing. Jesus Christ even said that he only came for the lost sheep of Israel. And who is Israel?? It is the white Caucasian, Celtic, Anglo Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred people in the world today. They are not black, Asian, Indian, Hispanic, an so forth. Why do you think God Yahweh condemns race mixing. Also, don't blame me for almost getting into a fight over a girl, and being accused of fornication and so forth. I am not responsible for that. Others in the church are and were responsible for that. I did my best to resolve the situation, and nobody would listen to me. So they will be held accountable. I did my job. They will be on the chopping block when Jesus Christ comes back. Also, I prophecied to the pastor that he was going to be divorced and leave the church. About 14 years later I was proven right when members of the Christian community told me that Pastor Phil got divorced and left the church. Then I was told that he was selling shoes somewhere. I also had an out of body experience where I went to this girls boy friends apartment and saw her having sex with her new boyfriend. I prophecied that she and her family would be out of the church with in a year, and that she and her husband would be divorced within two years. I also prophecied that she was going to be 5 months pregnant when she got married, that she was gong to get pregnant in February, and she was going to give birth to a baby boy and the boy would be born dead, and then she will be divorced withing two years. It all happened as I said it would.

Besides, there is only one covenant, the Abrahamic Covenant, and Jesus Christ fulfilled the covenant and made it a written covenant by dying on the cross. He signed that written covenant with his blood. Only you don't have to do that. All you need to do is to step up to the plate and open the door for Jesus Christ to walk in. After all Jesus says that he is knocking, anybody who opens the door he will go through that door and sup with him. True Israel, who are the white Caucasian, Celtic Anglo Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred people in the world today are to have a personal relationship with God Yahweh through Jesus Christ. Christ's people are first, every other race is second.

Dale, the biggest mistake you are making is not even realizing that everything that God Yahweh does is by law, and that is because he is the law. Remember, God Yahweh does not want your worship, he wants your friendship. He doesn't want to control you, he wants to get to know you. My advice is to go to the Greek Septuagint, the Rotherham Emphasized bible, the Ferrar-Fenton Bible. Goto:


IF everything that GOD did/does was by law, there would have been only one Covenant.  NOT 8.  God's extension of "mercy" under the law, or "grace" completely outside of the law, was extended by HIMSELF on the cross.  Hence bending the old law to give mercy (undeserved) and grace (unmerited) under the blood shed by his own SON.

Yahweh wants relationship, and loves worship.  Bro???  What are you saying??  How do you even recognize the grace that has been bestowed to you unless you worship HIM?  How do you see that cross and finished work, unless you are in relationship?  He may want to be friends, but I think HE just wants to be dad and enjoy HIS children that want him and follow the 2 greatest commandments.  Love the LORD GOD with all your heart, soul mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.  NOTHING else matters.  NOT the color of people that you bring this message to, not the race of people that this message was for.

2 cents and sent in humility.

Sorry Eagle Roost, you are wrong.  I'm just stating facts. Maybe what you need to do is instead of planting a tree, you need to plant a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is obvious that you are the problem, not the solution. If you were the solution, you wouldn't be planting trees or clearing a field. you would be talking to God Yahweh and  planting righteousness in people and getting them into a relationship with God Yahweh. You don't do that by planting trees or clearing a field. By planting a tree and clearing a field, all you are doing is puffing yourself up, you are not doing that in order to bring people into a relationship with Yeshua Jesus Christ and God Yahweh. You better rethink your position and call on God Yahweh to plant those trees for you and to clear that field for you. Remember, the trees are people, and the field is the world. God Yahweh has called you to reach out for his people Israel who are the white Caucasian, Celtic, Anglo Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred people in the world today.They are not black people, Asian people, Hispanic people, or any other race of people. Remember Matthew 15:24. Jesus Christ only came for the lost sheep of Israel, or the descendants of Jacob/Israel, who are Adamites or white people.The most discriminated people in the world today.


I read your posts.  I don't believe many of your opinions and I would never isolate myself to the opinions that you contain of our LORD, HIS opinions, color, who he hates etc...

EaglesRoost is NOT wrong about his statements of taking ownership of ALL things that happen to you. He is 100% right as this is not even debatable.  Don't like what's happening in your church?  Leave it.  Don't like what's happening in your relationships, leave them.  Don't like how you are being treated by someone, lose the friendship. When GOD looks at you and what you did for HIM, are you going to blame others or accept what HE says?  Are you going to blame the woman for sin in your life?  Temptation?  People attract to themselves the very thing that they resonate on and think about.  That is why GOD says pray without ceasing.  That is why Paul said to focus on what is right, good, pure.  Sounds like you are nothing but a victim.  That is weaksauce in nature and not a KING or priest.

Christ was NEVER a victim.  He accepted all that happened to him and knew the Cross was the plan.  HIS vision, HIS plan, hence HIS suffering, HIS pain...  All for us.

Stop calling out races of people, bloodlines, color of people as if GOD is color blind and didn't pay for all.  To say that GOD only called out Israel (WHITE PEOPLE) to go after only WHITE people) has got to be the most egregious misunderstandings of the Most HIGH GOD.

We don't accept your opinion of the bible (as you have defined Israel or the color of GOD)

It seems to me that you are zealot in nature, which isn't necessarily bad accept when you don't know how to "not" offend when giving your opinion.

All this (Believe it ot not) is said in love.  Grow brother.  Stop limiting GOD to a color, a type of belief or ANYTHING as you may not even know HIS heart.

Last edited by Kelby Smith

Dale, the biggest mistake you are making is not even realizing that everything that God Yahweh does is by law, and that is because he is the law. Remember, God Yahweh does not want your worship, he wants your friendship. He doesn't want to control you, he wants to get to know you. My advice is to go to the Greek Septuagint, the Rotherham Emphasized bible, the Ferrar-Fenton Bible. Goto:

Sorry Eagle Roost, you are wrong.  I'm just stating facts. Maybe what you need to do is instead of planting a tree, you need to plant a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is obvious that you are the problem, not the solution. If you were the solution, you wouldn't be planting trees or clearing a field. you would be talking to God Yahweh and  planting righteousness in people and getting them into a relationship with God Yahweh. You don't do that by planting trees or clearing a field. By planting a tree and clearing a field, all you are doing is puffing yourself up, you are not doing that in order to bring people into a relationship with Yeshua Jesus Christ and God Yahweh. You better rethink your position and call on God Yahweh to plant those trees for you and to clear that field for you. Remember, the trees are people, and the field is the world. God Yahweh has called you to reach out for his people Israel who are the white Caucasian, Celtic, Anglo Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred people in the world today.They are not black people, Asian people, Hispanic people, or any other race of people. Remember Matthew 15:24. Jesus Christ only came for the lost sheep of Israel, or the descendants of Jacob/Israel, who are Adamites or white people.The most discriminated people in the world today.

Terry Gabrich: who is even the church today?

Kelby and anyone who seeks truth is bound by the bible and it's interepetation by the context it was written in. Sounds as if you could could use a study guide. Praying for you to continue to wake some more. Dale PS: EVERYTHING IS OUR OWN FUALT. Free Will, choices of not submitting to Yashua and Ya's will, only exaperates his perfect law that we are allowed to comform to through his grace. So? Who is THE Church according to scripture?


I am not bound to anything except the finished work on the cross.  The biggest lie in church is that every scripture should be interpreted as law.

Yes we all need to grow and I would love a good study guide.  What is the bible?  Which bible?  Which books?  What is the interpretation?  What is forever?  What is hell?   All questions that we should keep asking ourselves as the interpretations are seriously lacking today.

Not true Kelby, In fact most of the things that happens to people are not their faults. I know It wasn't my fault when I was challenged to a fight over a girl in the church. It wasn't my fault that I was accused of being a pervert, a fornicator, and so forth in the church. It wasn't my fault that I lost the girl because I refused to have sex with her. It wasn't my fault that the girls mother hated me because I wouldn't have sex with her daughter (and the girls mother was a deaconess in the church). In fact, 100% of time, it was never my fault. God Yahweh has even told me this, and when I tried to make things right by asking forgiveness, they were the one's that would walk a way and never acknowledge that they were the problem, not me. What a lot of people don't know is that they get into trouble because they are the solution, not the problem. I have noticed that people will react because of the perfection and moral contentions of another. Remember what Jesus Christ said, "Be ye perfect as you Father in Heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

imagine writing a comment like this, "In fact, 100% of time, it was never my fault." My 5 year old has a stronger grip on reality my friend! Im guessing that you need to produce something, plant a tree, or clear a field. From my experience people that believe things are 'done' to them, just need to create and produce something. Hit me up if you need some resources

Terry Gabrich: who is even the church today?

Kelby and anyone who seeks truth is bound by the bible and it's interepetation by the context it was written in. Sounds as if you could could use a study guide. Praying for you to continue to wake some more. Dale PS: EVERYTHING IS OUR OWN FUALT. Free Will, choices of not submitting to Yashua and Ya's will, only exaperates his perfect law that we are allowed to comform to through his grace. So? Who is THE Church according to scripture?

Not true Kelby, In fact most of the things that happens to people are not their faults. I know It wasn't my fault when I was challenged to a fight over a girl in the church. It wasn't my fault that I was accused of being a pervert, a fornicator, and so forth in the church. It wasn't my fault that I lost the girl because I refused to have sex with her. It wasn't my fault that the girls mother hated me because I wouldn't have sex with her daughter (and the girls mother was a deaconess in the church). In fact, 100% of time, it was never my fault. God Yahweh has even told me this, and when I tried to make things right by asking forgiveness, they were the one's that would walk a way and never acknowledge that they were the problem, not me. What a lot of people don't know is that they get into trouble because they are the solution, not the problem. I have noticed that people will react because of the perfection and moral contentions of another. Remember what Jesus Christ said, "Be ye perfect as you Father in Heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Last edited by Terry Gabrich

True Kelby, most people are not with God Yahweh or against God Yahweh, they are in the middle. God Yahweh wants each person to be one way or the other way. Either be with God Yahweh or against God Yahweh. However, most Christians don't take a stand for anything. Again, God Yahweh doesn't want you to go to church, he wants you to be the  church. I have a tee shirt that has a printing of the ten commandments on the front of it. Above this printing of the ten commandments, it states the ten commandments, below the ten commandments it states "Are not multiple choice." For some stupid reason most Christians think that the ten commandments are multiple choice. This is one of our major problems we have today.

The only way we can live under the ten commandments and under God Yahweh's laws is to step out of the church, and take a stand before God Yahweh and be the church. Remember, God Yahweh doesn't want your worship, he wants your friendship, he doesn't want to control you, he wants to get to get to know you.

As I said before, how hard is it to please God Yahweh. All you have to do is to say "Hi" wants an a while, it isn't rocket science. For some reason many people in the church want to make it rocket science. This is why they need to step out of the church and become the church. Never try to make it rocket science. Be simple in your relationship with God Yahweh. Remember, prayer means, "To talk to you." It is actually a legal term. I can remember when I worked at the state hospital. I was in security, and I use to take forensic patients too court all the time. I can remember hearing the judge state that the patient "Prays for this and prays for that." The judge is using a legal term because prayer is actually a legal term.

Last edited by Terry Gabrich
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