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HISA.TV- 330- The People Really DO Have All The Power - Kelby and Cal Talk About the INPOWER Movement

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Kelby when will we have Cal back for more?!🙏🏽😎🙏🏽.

hey y’all!

we all want Enforcement and here’s where I’ve experienced it first hand. Rochelle Walensky of the CDC was one  of my respondents and she quietly gave up millions in salary and inside stock options and deals. This was shortly after her second NoL/Notice of Liability created and perfected by Cal and the In Power team. She thought she skirted liability but no! We continue to send her bills to her home…now they’re running fr Us We the People. Come join our 3rd Wave this Sept. the most Empowering Experience of my life…it changed me mentally, emotionally, and most significant it changed me Spiritually.  Nothing short of Miraculous!!!

InPower Movement

After receiving Inpower's Notice of Liability from over a dozen members, the Queen of Denmark has resigned. Government and corporate officials are stepping down all over the world. Change is happening! To get involved and make changes in your country, come join us at

Kelby i got the app for and it wont let me sign in.  Says my email is no in your database.  Lol. how is this fixed?  You have had my email address for YEARS.  Thank you.

The app has a different login system than what you use here at You may use the same login credentials, if you wish, but it'd be best to use a new password.

EASILY my favorite episode so far, been waiting for years to see this coversation take place- more power players like Cal, please!! Consider Dr. Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity.

Last edited by Alex T-D

“Here to ENFORCE and move forward with our Purpose”  These are my respondents in which I was first to hit the seat of the presidency, CDC (after second NoL turned tail and ram) FDA, and Gov Grusome! this July my Bills will total over $120 Million since stating 11/22/2022  

NoL 1:
Joe “Brandon” Biden

California Governor
Gavin Newsome

FDA Chief
Janet Woodcock

CDC Director (stepped down after Sarah’s default notice).
Rochelle Walensky.

NoL 2: Willy Gates, Xavier Bacerra, Anthony Fraudci, Miguel Cardona

Those that want to learn how we are not only holding those pushing the agendas of vaccines, 5G, smart meters, and geo engineering accountable but financially liable meet us here. Within our first Wave of action we  recently witnessed the Queen of Denmark abdicating her throne (and many more in powerful seats) after our members in Denmark sent her 14 Notices of Liability or NoL’s as we call them .  I, and one other member, personally and successfully completed this process to Rochelle Walensky of the CDC and upon receiving her second notice of default (NoD) she removed herself from her perch with some suspect excuses.  There are free videos of Cal Washington and the NoL/Notice of liability in Odysee and Rumble of how we’re doing this and the In Powerment Witnessed is undeniable by those that have done this process. All we ask is to be allowed to advertise our mission and results to your listeners. This would be fully funded by the members. At $15 per month and not one advertiser (nor will there ever be one as  IPM is ran by volunteers only) …to Come and See…
Untitled 1

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