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Foundation 263
Passport 219
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citizenship 175
HISAdvocates 175
Living in the Private 168
Prayer Service 166
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Motivational Huddle 83
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Covid 77
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Arthur Davidson 74
Berlin 74
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Mount Rushmore 74
William Harley 74
Agreement 73
Citizenship Passports 68
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State Citizenship 68
drivers license 67
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God 60
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Call 58
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Bank of America 50
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Foreclosure Cases 40
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Citizenship and Court of Record 30
Constitutions in California 30
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Mancave Classified Ep 30
Q n A 30
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Two Constitutions 30
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Consent Orders 26
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Married 26
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Lawsuits 25
Al West 24
Ambac 24
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Deposition 24
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House and County Recorder 24
patents 24
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Powerful 24
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signature 24
supporting 24
United States 24
Affidavit of Possession of Note 23
Attorney Contributions 23
Divorced-What 23
Drivers and Social Security 23
estate 23
Moderator 23
Post Office 23
Social Security 23
State vs Defacto State 23
Allegiance 22
Birth Certificate 22
Certificate 22
Detainer Win 22
Discussed 22
Living in the Private Program 22
public 22
California 21
Citizen to State Citizen 21
Untitled 1

By accessing and using, you hereby acknowledge and agree to be bound by our complete Terms of Services, which are posted at Advocates, s.s.m. HIS Advocates operates as a Non-Domestic entity, not under the jurisdiction of the United States [Title 28 Section 3002], functioning in the private domain. For any inquiries, please call Toll-Free (844) HIS-ADVO (447-2386). If you require support on Living in the Private and are a VIP Member, click here for assistance. To become a VIP Member, click on the picture below where it says "GO VIP."

HIS Advocates, s.s.m./, hereafter referred to as HISA, is a private and unincorporated membership association recognized as a church ministry and social platform, managed entirely by HISA leadership. It is important to note that HISA does NOT engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice. We emphasize that individuals seek appropriate legal counsel to determine the best approach for their specific situations.

As per legal precedence, the practice of law cannot be licensed by any state or State [Schware v. Board of Examiners, United States Reports 353 U.S. pgs. 238, 239]. In Sims v. Aherns, 271 S.W. 720 (1925), "The practice of law is an occupation of common right." Oklahoma Court Rules and Procedures, Title 12, sec. 2017 (C) state that "If an infant or incompetent person does not have a duly appointed representative, he may sue by his next friend or by a guardian ad litem." Furthermore, cases such as Brotherhood of Trainmen v. Virginia ex rel. Virginia State Bar (377 U.S. 1), Gideon v. Wainwright 372 U.S. 335, Argersinger v. Hamlin, Sheriff 407 U.S. 425, NAACP v. Button (371 U.S. 415), United Mineworkers of America v. Gibbs (383 U.S. 715), and Johnson v. Avery 89 S. Ct. 747 (1969) affirm that litigants may be assisted by unlicensed laymen during judicial proceedings. Competent non-lawyers from groups can aid other members of the group in court without facing charges of "Unauthorized practice of law."

Any information provided on HISA, including blogs, forums, consultants, or vendors, is solely for educational purposes. The moderators on HISA are NOT licensed attorneys and do not offer legal advice, nor do they receive any income from HISA. Their role is to share private experiences or direct individuals to forums or directories that may be helpful. HISA does not necessarily endorse all the information provided, and individuals must conduct their own research and make their own decisions on how the information may assist them with their issues. If legal advice is required, individuals should consult with a licensed attorney or private counsel.

HISA reserves all its Rights under GOD, without Prejudice, and without Recourse.
